Political Action

Most of us have very limited bargaining power as one person, but as a group, we are strong.
By working through our political program and with the local, state, and national AFL-CIO structures, we can truly make a difference.

Why the IBEW Supports Joe Biden »



The most important work IBEW Local 953 does is at the bargaining table. We gain better wages, working conditions, and overall terms of employment for our members. Again and again, we see how many advances made at the bargaining table can be lost through a single act of Congress.

Our efforts to organize workers has become more difficult due to weakened labor laws. Virtually every day, Congress and state legislatures make decisions that vitally affect our safety, Social Security, job and union security, health policies, licensing, taxes, pensions, national budget, and children's schools. The list is endless.

This is why it is imperative for IBEW members to get involved, and stay involved, at every level of the union and our country's political process. We must not be satisfied until every IBEW member is registered to vote. We must see to it that our members meet and get to know candidates personally, volunteer to work on campaigns, and vote.

We must help elect to office those whose views and ideals are sympathetic to the issues affecting working men and women in our country, regardless of their political party. IBEW Local 953 does support political candidates of both parties, as well as independents. If a candidate has the support of our members and our local union supports the political fund, we will send a campaign contribution upon request. We must communicate our views to all elected officials, and most of all, we must educate our members on the important political issues and encourage them to register to vote.

We have always known we may not be able to match corporate spending dollar for dollar. However, if we support our political fund, educate, and motivate our members, we can elect labor friendly candidates and keep our friends in office.

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